Blog Archives

Calling Alfresco’s Webscripts from a Liferay Portlet using Ajax

I think that we are reaching the maturity level in Liferay and Alfresco, because we can create applications on top of them of fastly and easy way. Alfresco ECM has functionalities exposed as a RESTful API, as know as Alfresco

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Posted in ECM, Micro Frontend, Microservices, Portal

Content Modeling when developing application in Alfresco ECM

When developing applications, you start with a stage of analysis-design that allows modeling the structure of the database that you application will use. So why not do something similar when developing applications on Alfresco ECM?. What makes Alfresco ECM a

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Posted in ECM

Building Alfresco ECM from scratch

This article show us how to build Alfresco from scratch which is useful when extending or bug fixing. Requisites: 1. Windows XP 2. Java/JDK 1.6.0_21 ( 3. Eclipse EE Helios SR2 ( 4. Subversion plugin for Eclipse (downloaded from Eclipse

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Posted in ECM